Merge Student Test Data

If a student has duplicate profiles and has taken tests under both profiles, you can merge them and designate one as the master profile. Merging consolidates results under one profile.

About Merging and Master Profiles

When you merge profiles, you are combining the test events from the selected profiles into one Master profile so historical test events are applied correctly and appear correctly in reports. (The changes will appear after nightly processing.)

After profiles are merged, you can still view the duplicate profile, but it is no longer active. Therefore, you cannot assign test events to, or modify the merged profile. You can separate or unmerge profiles later as needed.

Important! Do not merge while students are actively testing. If you do, the merge process does not complete and you might test the student under the wrong profile.

Merging Students

Required role: Data Administrator

  1. In the left navigation pane, select Manage Students.
  2. Enter search criteria for the student profiles you want to merge, and then click Search.
  3. For each student profile you want to merge, use the View/Update button to examine their information.
  4. Ask yourself: Which student profile has the most correct information?

    You will make this profile the master profile.

  5. Ask yourself: For the student profile you want to designate as master, do the terms that appear match the terms of the other profile or profiles? If not:
    1. Add the missing terms (using the Add Term button). Also include applicable reporting attributes, like class. You need to do this so that test events appear as expected on reports.
    2. Example: If the other profile you want merged has test events for last fall, then that same fall term must also apply to the master profile. If not, then those test events last fall will not appear on reports after the merge because the master profile was not associated with that fall term.
  6. Return to the student search results, and select the profiles you want to merge.

    Note: Some profiles may have already been merged and designated a master profile, as indicated under the Master column. You can merge another profile with it, but you cannot merge multiple master profiles.

  7. Select Merge.
  8. Select the profile you want to designate as the master profile.

    Or, if a profile already appears as the Master Designate, make sure it is the correct one.

  9. Choose Designate as Master.

    The selected profile will move to the Master Designate table.

  10. Select Submit.

    A confirmation message will appear.

  11. If needed, also update your student information system to eliminate duplicate profiles.

Unmerging Students

Required MAP role: Data Administrator

  1. In the left navigation pane, select Manage Students.
  2. In the Search Criteria section, select Search only for master profiles.
    • To list all merged profiles in the MAP database, do not supply any other search criteria, and then click Search.
    • To narrow the search, supply additional search criteria, and then click Search.

  3. If you do not select Search only for master profiles, any master profile found in your search is designated by a checkmark in the "Master?" column of the Search Results table.
  4. Select the master profile you want to unmerge.
  5. Click Unmerge.

    The Unmerge Student Profiles page lists the master profile and any profile(s) that were merged into it.

  6. Click Submit.

    A confirmation appears.