Testing Tips for MAP Growth

During testing, refer to these common tips:

Also included are instructions for Continuing Suspended Tests and using Proctor Shortcut Keys.

For the main steps, see Proctor Quick Start.

Print Resources: Testing Tips for MAP Growth

Student Directions Script

To all students, say:


Give your best effort on this test. It is a chance to show how much you know. Your teacher can use the test to help determine the areas they can help you with the most. This is not a timed test, so it’s important to take your time to understand each question before answering. Some questions will be easy, and others will be more difficult. It’s okay not to know all of the answers. If you are not sure how to answer a question, then ask yourself which answers are definitely wrong, and choose from the other answers. Read every question and try your best.

Before you finish a question, you may change your mind and pick a different answer. But, once you move to the next question, your answer is locked, and you cannot go back to the question you have already answered.

I’m here to help if there is a problem with the test. If something is missing or if the test tells you to slow down, then raise your hand.


If testing grade 2+ math, say:


On some (but not all) test questions, a calculator tool appears at the top. You can click the calculator picture to open an on-screen calculator that helps you answer the question.

If you are not sure about a word in a question, raise your hand for help. I can pronounce the word for you, but I cannot tell you what the word means or explain any math symbols.


If testing grade 2+ reading or language usage, say:


If a reading passage is too long to fit on the screen, use the scroll bar on the right side of the passage to scroll down and display the rest of the passage and questions about it.

Sometimes a passage appears again and again, but look carefully, because you will see different questions for the same passage.

Student Sign-In Tips

For standard sign-in instructions, see Student Sign-in.

Student missing from Sign In


Student can't re‑join


The student's status must be Awaiting Student in order to appear. On your Proctor console, select an action depending on the Status

  • Confirmed: Choose Select Action > Do Not Confirm (you will confirm again later)
  • Testing: Choose Select Action > Suspend
    • Once suspended, choose Select Action > Test Again
  • Suspended: Choose Select Action > Test Again

Ask the student to log in again, and then confirm as usual.



Wrong test assigned—how do I switch tests?

  1. Select the student and click Select Action.
  2. If the status is To Be Confirmed, choose Do Not Confirm.


  3. If the status is Testing, choose either Suspend or Terminate:

    Use Suspend if the student might need to take the test later this term.

    Use Terminate if you know the student will not need the test later this term. Caution: Terminate removes all responses and potentially blocks students from joining that test for the rest of the term.

  4. Click Select Action > Test Again.

  5. When the status changes to Awaiting Student, assign the correct test.
  6. Have the student sign in again.

If screen resolution is incorrect

  The minimum required screen resolution is 1024x728, with the browser set to full screen and no zoom. Change the device display settings and, if needed, the browser display.

If “Students are Ineligible to Test” appears


Because of district settings, you cannot test the students (usually because the test was restricted to Once Per Term). Consult your school leaders, who can make any needed adjustments to test restrictions.


If “Action Needed to Continue” 


The options you have include:

  • Resume Test: Continues a suspended test.
  • Start Test Over: Starts the test over from the first question and terminates the original test, discarding any answers given. Use caution because it could also block the student from testing if the test has the Once Per Term restriction.

  • Do Not Confirm: Terminates the original test and restricts the student from taking the test again this term.
  • Cancel: Will close this prompt and you still cannot confirm the student for testing.

Test Question Issues

Testing is slow


Reset button next to the student name

On the student testing device, select Reset. On desktops, you can also use the keyboard command:

F5 (Win) or Command+R (Mac)


Question appears blank (white screen)


“Please raise your hand” appears

  1. On your Proctor console, with a student selected, choose Select Action > Suspend.
  2. On the student testing device, close the testing browser.

    PC or Mac:

    Select the X at top



    Use the Home button



    Select the X or Shift+Alt+K

  3. On your Proctor console, select the student again and choose Select Action > Test Again.
  4. On the student testing device, restart the testing browser and join the test again. The test continues where the student left it.


Need to skip a broken question

  1. On the Proctor console, with the student selected, choose Select Action > Pause.
  2. Select the student again and then choose Select Action > Resume.
  3. After the student chooses Resume, a new question appears.

Report a broken question

  1. On your Proctor console, obtain the Proctor PIN (upper right).

  2. On the student testing device, select: Ctrl+Shift+P (or Ctrl+Shift+L).
  3. In the window that appears, enter the PIN code.
  4. Describe the problem you're having with the test question.
    Note: You do not need to include the test name or question number.

  5. Select Resume Test.
    The MAP system sends the report to NWEA to be addressed (a “problem item report”), and the test resumes with the next question.

Test Engagement and Rapid Guessing

This feature applies to most MAP Growth and Screening tests, but not to Skills Checklist tests. For a complete overview, see the Student Test Engagement community site.

Proctor role in test engagement


By helping students stay engaged with their test, you help ensure the assessment will better represent the areas you can help with the most. Before testing, clarify with students the purpose of MAP Growth and the importance of taking time on every test question. During testing, check the rapid-guessing alerts on the Proctor console.

A rapid guess means the student answered well below the average response time measured by NWEA for each test question. The response is so fast that the student could not have viewed the question completely.

Rapid guessing is not connected to total test duration. A student can finish quickly but still answer within the average time per question, and so not trigger the rapid-guessing alert.

Demo of rapid guessing:



First pause—
what to do


Proctor view with PIN at the top and Rapid-Guessing Alert below it, and also the student view with PIN entry box

When a student rapid-guesses multiple times, the test automatically pauses, and an alert soon appears on the Proctor console. The best way to help students reengage will vary for each student:

  1. For convenience, obtain or memorize the Proctor PIN for this testing session.
  2. Approach quietly and encourage the student to take the time to think of the best answer for every question.

    Avoid helping the student answer the test questions.

  3. When the student is ready, enter the PIN on the student’s testing device—the test resumes with the next question.

  4. Or, for multiple students, use controls on your console (select the alert box, select names, and choose Resume).

Repeated alerts—
what to do


If a student continues to rapid-guess multiple times, the test will pause again. Short tests like Screening have a total of 2 pauses and longer tests like MAP Growth have a total of 3 pauses, with the final pause at the rapid‑guessing threshold (30% of questions possible on the test). Follow these best practices:

  • As soon as possible, decide whether to continue the student’s test another day, when the student is able to reengage. If so, then Suspend the test.

  • Before ending the testing session, select Download Session Progress to keep track of the student’s rapid guesses:

  • For excessive rapid guessing, discuss with school leaders whether to start the test over (a retest).

  • When you continue testing or if you retest, select Find Students to Test, open the Test History Search tab, and use the applicable search filters:

    Find Your Students filters, including Not yet tested, Suspended Test, and Test Engagement

  • If a student reached the rapid-guessing threshold and if your leaders agreed to retest, then choose Start Test Over at the confirmation prompt. Otherwise, choose Resume.

    Note: Do not expect to see last question number or rapid-guessing count listed with the student.

See also How to Retest Students within a Term.

Continuing Suspended Tests

Note: Students should continue tests within 14 days, although the maximum is 28 days.

Continue same day, same session

  1. With the testing session still open, select the students with Suspended status.
  2. Choose Select Action and select Test Again.

Continue another day, same session


If you know most of the same students in your testing session will return, you could save the session and reopen it later. Under Manage Testing Sessions, select the session you saved and then Test Now.

The Status for everyone will be Awaiting Student, meaning they can now sign in to the session. The session password will be new while the session name will remain the same. When prompted, select Resume Test and then Submit.


Continue another day, new make-up session


In a new make-up session, you can include a mix of students, those who need to finish testing and those who have not yet tested.

  1. Under Manage Test Sessions, select Find Students to Test.

  2. Open the Test History Search tab.

  3. Select School, Test, and other search filters.

  4. Choose Search and then, from the pop-up list, choose Add Students.

    To help find students, you can sort by the Test Event Start Date column.

  5. Important: Select students and choose Assign Test and, if needed, Assign Accommodations.

    Even though you searched by test, the text is not automatically assigned to the student.

  6. Select Test Now.

    Note: The status will change to Awaiting Student for everyone, meaning they can now sign into the session. The question numbers will also be blank.

  7. While confirming students, choose Resume Test when prompted.

Proctor Shortcut Keys

If you encounter problems during MAP Growth testing, such as a problematic question, try these keyboard commands:





Refresh the screen


F5  or  Command+R
or Fn+F5

No command

Interrupt at student computer

Ctrl+Shift+P or Ctrl+Shift+L

Close the lockdown browser

Click X (top right) after clicking Done*

Click X (top right) after clicking Done*


Check the Windows lockdown browser version


No command