Accessing Reports from the Reports Queue

After the MAP system generates a report you ordered, you can access it from the Reports Queue on the MAP Reports landing page.

Note: Instructional resources, Class Breakdown reports, and MAP for Primary Grades reports appear online in a Web browser. You can save and print them, but they are not available from the Reports Queue.

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Sorting and Viewing Reports in the Reports Queue

The Reports Queue appears as a table of ordered reports that have been generated or are in the process of being generated with the most recently ordered report at the top.

The Order Status column shows the status of a report that has been ordered or a link to a report that is ready for viewing. Click View/Print or Download to access a generated report.

A report status can be:

To change the sort order of reports in the Reports Queue, click a column heading.

The Report ID is a system generated number assigned to a report and may be useful when resolving technical support issues.

Reports are removed automatically from the Reports Queue 14 days after they were created. You can also delete selected reports from the Reports Queue and order them again later.



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