Frequent Questions for the Learning Continuum

—Home Page for Learning Continuum—


CollapsedWhat does "Term Rostered" and "Term Tested" mean?
CollapsedWhat does Reinforce, Develop, and Introduce mean?
CollapsedWhat is meant when a learning statement refers to words within a "grade band"?
CollapsedHow do I print?
CollapsedHow are learning statements assigned to each RIT band?
CollapsedHow are topic groups chosen?
CollapsedAre lists of MAP vocabulary, signs, and symbols available?
CollapsedWhy are there no column percentages like the DesCartes report?

Display Options

CollapsedNo Display Options appear
CollapsedWhy do grade 3 and 4 filters appear for primary grade tests?

Learning Statements

CollapsedDo I have the newest learning statements?
CollapsedWhy does the same learning statement appear across many RIT bands?



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