MAP Reports – Data Tips

This section offers various tips about using the data in MAP reports.

If Data Appears Unavailable


Symptom Possible Explanation What to Try
Class Report does not show past results Results are from before your implementation of Web-based Map.

Return to the reports previously used on the NWEA reports Web site

District Summary Report missing norms data Test window is not yet closed.

Choose Modify Preferences > Manage Terms

Goal performance shows an asterisk (*)

Student may have answered too many items incorrectly.

Or, there are too few questions available in the RIT range assessed.

Or, norms data does not exist.

Compare the results from other students to narrow down the cause
Projected proficiency not available

When creating the report, you selected a winter or summer term.

Only select a fall or spring term in the report options

Or, a study linking RIT to your state's standards is not available.

For the latest about your state's alignment study, go to and see Your State Standards.

Student missing New student was added on the day of testing.

Wait for the overnight system process

Or, the student is missing reporting attributes. Generate Operational Reports > Students Without Reporting Attributes
Student Progress Report missing norms data Test window is not yet closed. Choose Modify Preferences > Manage Terms

How to Screen for an RTI Program

It's possible to use MAP or MPG tests to screen students within a Response to Intervention (RTI) program. Combined with classroom work and other data, MAP data can help to identify at-risk students.

  1. On the MAP Reports landing page, click Class Report or, for a district-level view, Grade Report.
  2. In the Report Options, set the Sort Order to Test RIT.

  3. Select Student Detail Display.
  4. Click Create Report.
  5. In the list of students, focus on the Percentile column. For example:

  6. Start by focusing on students performing at the 20th percentile and lower.

    Or, depending on your results, you may need to narrow the focus to students at an even lower percentile.

  7. In the Goal Performance area of the report, evaluate which areas might need intervention for the chosen students.

    Note: Consider past performance as well by generating the report for a prior term (or by generating Student Progress Reports).

  8. To further pinpoint what kinds of interventions to employ, consider additional assessment tools. For example, the following are available from NWEA (separate license required):
    1. Children's Progress Academic Assessment (CPAA) — For pre-kindergarten to grade 3
    2. Skills Checklists — For kindergarten to grade 2
    3. Skills Pointer™ — For grades 3 and higher
  9. To check intermediate growth of selected RTI students, use the Achievement Status and Growth Report.




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