Use Restrictions for Learning Continuum

—Home Page for Learning Continuum—

The Learning Continuum is the exclusive property of Northwest Evaluation Association (“NWEA”) and is protected by U.S. and international copyright. Use of the Learning Continuum by any person or entity other than a subscriber school district or other recognized and subscriber entity (“Subscriber”) is prohibited. By using the Learning Continuum, you agree to the following terms and conditions of this Use Agreement (the “Use Agreement”).

As a current subscriber of NWEA’s products and services and as long as the Learning Continuum is contained within your organization or school district, you may reproduce the Learning Continuum, in its entirety or portions thereof, without gaining express written permission from NWEA if you agree to all of the following:

  1. the use is for non-commercial purposes only
  2. you do not modify any information or image
  3. access is password protected and is accessible only to your authorized users
  4. you include any copyright notice originally provided in the materials

You may load it into a database and on a password protected website without written permission provided that you include NWEA’s copyright notice.

If only portions of the Learning Continuum are published or reproduced, be mindful not to combine them to avoid changing or modifying the learning statements. You further understand that the Learning Continuum should not be the basis of alignment for products and services not reviewed and approved by NWEA. If you do conduct unauthorized alignments, you agree to hold NWEA harmless and indemnify NWEA from claims, lawsuits that may arise from your alignment. NWEA only supports the Learning Continuum in its original format. Any changes to the Learning Continuum made by you will not be supported.

Any transfer to a 3rd party (commercial entities or persons not in your organization or district) to house, maintain, modify or adapt the Learning Continuum without a separate license will be prohibited. NWEA may immediately terminate all permissions hereunder in the event of any breach of this Use Agreement. Upon termination of this Use Agreement, you will immediately cease all use, reproduction, and distribution of the Learning Continuum and will immediately delete the Learning Continuum from all of your computers, databases, servers and websites.



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