Creating a Student Profile

If you have a new student or a student missing from the roster, you can create the student record directly.

Required role: Data Administrator or District Proctor

  1. In the left navigation pane, select Manage Students.
  2. Search to make sure the profile doesn’t already exist.

    Tip: To broaden your search, try using an asterisk (*) as a wildcard in the student names. To narrow your search, try specifying the Term when the student was added into system records.
  3. Click Create Student (near the top) if the search does not return an existing profile.
  4. Fill in the student’s information and click Continue.

    Note: If your school uses Clever, you will not need to add a Clever ID because the system has already collected this information.

  5. On the next page, specify information that changes from term to term. Complete any fields that your state testing program requires:

    1. Ethnic Demographics: Required for state-level reporting of Summative testing
    2. Expanded Student Data: Required for state-level reporting of Summative testing
    3. State Reporting Accountability and Attendance: Start typing a school name and then choose from the drop-down list.

    4. Add School: You must search for the school name.

      Use any part of the name (such as "ele" for Elementary). You can add multiple schools, but make sure to select one and choose Designate as School of Record.

    5. Add Classes: Start by typing the last name of the Instructor (teacher), then select classes. If the Instructor does not appear, you might have chosen a term that does not yet have the teachers loaded into the system.

  6. Click Add Term when the information has been completely filled in.
  7. Click Continue in the review page.

  8. Click Submit to finish.

Important: If you do not see the confirmation message, the profile failed to save. Be sure to click Submit, or you risk losing all of the student information you specified.