Manage Users

Whenever someone encounters a block in access to features or data, a good place to start is the Manage Users page on the CAP site. To access Manage Users, you must have one of these roles: District Assessment Coordinator, Data Administrator, or System Administrator.

Note: You cannot edit your own profile or change the roles assigned to you. The one exception is the System Administrator role, which can add or remove roles for anyone, including a self-edit.

Creating a User Profile

User profiles require at least one role. The role controls the permissions for the user.

Required role: District Assessment Coordinator or Data Administrator or System Administrator

  1. Access the start page and choose Rostering from the main menu.

  2. Select Manage Users.

  3. Search to make sure the profile doesn’t already exist.

    Tip: Select Include Inactive Users to make your search as broad as possible.

  4. Click Create User (near the top) if the search does not return an existing profile for the user.
  5. Enter the requested information under All Roles.

  6. In the User Role section, under Available Roles, select a role that you want to assign this user, then click Add.
    1. Repeat this process for all the roles you want to assign to this user.
    2. To remove a role, select it in the Roles to Assign list, and then click Remove.
  7. Click Continue.
  8. If prompted, specify which school(s) to assign this user. You can search for the school name if you type at least three letters.
  9. Click Submit.
    Important: With any change, be sure to click Submit as needed—possibly on multiple pages—to complete the action. The process is complete and the change is saved only when you see a message such as "User profile has been updated successfully."

    If you specified an email address for this user, the system automatically sends a user name and temporary password to that address.

    If you did not specify an email address for this user, the screen displays the user name and temporary password.

    Important: Make sure to write down the user name and temporary password before you leave the confirmation page. You will need to provide them to the user directly.

Resetting a User Password

In most cases, users should reset their own password by clicking Forgot Username or Password? under the main login prompt. However, if needed, you can generate a temporary password by updating the user’s profile.

Note: Your role may prohibit you from resetting the password of users with a role higher than your own (hierarchy depicted in the list of roles below).

Required role: System Administrator or District Assessment Coordinator or Data Administrator

  1. Access the start page and choose Rostering from the main menu.

  2. Select Manage Users.

  3. Enter your search criteria.

  4. Select the correct profile and click View/Update.
  5. In the All Roles section, click Request Password Reset.

    • The new password does not take effect until you submit all changes to the user profile.
    • If the user profile:
      • includes an email address, the password is automatically sent via email;
      • has no email address, the password displays on the screen after you submit all changes, and you must email it to the user manually.
  6. At the bottom of the screen, click Submit when the page refreshes.

    The User Profile Summary page appears.

    • If you are resetting the password for an Instructor, you must click Submit a second time on this page.
    • A message states that the profile has been updated successfully. The page displays the new password or a confirmation that the password was sent by email.
  7. If the password displays on the screen after you submit the profile, communicate the temporary password to the user.

    When logging in with the temporary password, the user is immediately prompted to create a new password.

Inactivating or Activating a User Profile

Inactivating a user profile prevents that person from logging in to the start page. For example, you might inactivate a user profile when an individual takes a leave of absence. When the user returns, you can reactivate the profile.

You cannot inactivate your own user profile, nor can you inactivate a user profile with a higher priority than your own. The order of priority appears in the following list of roles, from left to right. For example, the District Assessment Coordinator cannot inactivate a user profile with the System Administrator role.

Required role: System Administrator or District Assessment Coordinator or Data Administrator

To inactivate a user profile:

  1. Access the start page and choose Rostering from the main menu.

  2. Select Manage Users.

  3. Search for the user profile.

  4. In the Search Results section, select the profile you want to inactivate.
  5. Click Inactivate Profile.

  6. Click OK in the confirmation prompt.

To activate a user profile:

  1. Access the start page and choose Rostering from the main menu.

  2. Select Manage Users.

  3. In the upper-right corner of the page, select Include Inactive Users.
  4. Search for the user profile.

  5. From the search results, select the profile you want to activate.
  6. Click Activate Profile.

  7. Click OK in the confirmation prompt.

Deleting a User Profile

Deleting a user profile completely removes the user.

Important: You can delete a user profile only if no classes are associated with it. To disassociate classes, you must first edit the students; see Fix Student Account Profile.

You cannot delete your own user profile, and you cannot delete a user profile with a higher priority than your own. The order of priority appears in the following list of roles, from left to right. For example, the District Assessment Coordinator cannot inactivate or delete a user profile with the System Administrator role.

Required role: System Administrator or District Assessment Coordinator or Data Administrator

  1. Access the start page and choose Rostering from the main menu.

  2. Select Manage Users.

  3. Enter your search criteria.

  4. Select the user profile you want to remove, and then click Delete.
  5. Click OK in the confirmation prompt.