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Class Level Reports
Required Role: Instructor, Administrator, or Assessment Coordinator (School or District)
Achievement Status and Growth Report Shows three pictures of growth, all based on national norms: projections so you can set student growth goals, summary comparison of two terms so you can evaluate efforts, and an interactive quadrant chart so you can visualize growth comparisons. |
Shows class performance for a term, including norms status rankings, so you can analyze student needs. |
Class Breakdown by RIT, Class Breakdown by Goal Both reports show you at a glance the academic diversity of a class so you can modify and focus the instruction for each student. |
Class Breakdown by Projected Proficiency Report Shows students' projected performance on state and college readiness assessments so you can adjust instruction for better student proficiency. |
Translates MAP scores to learning statements so you can set student goals and tailor your instruction to student needs.
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