Achievement Status and Growth Report

This MAP report compares individual students' growth projections between two test terms and shows how term-to-term growth relates to the student's growth projections. The Achievement Status and Growth report is available in these views:

Both reports show growth projections based on the test event scores from the first term of the pair of terms.

For information about each part of the report, see the Reports Reference, available from the MAP Reports landing page.

CollapsedRequired Roles

Field Descriptions

The following fields are required when ordering this report:

Term Tested: Term with the test events you want to see. For example, in the fall you might want to see results from the prior spring. Choices are limited to terms that are either concurrent with or precede the Term Rostered.

Schools: List of schools (set in Modify District). Administrators and Instructors with multiple school assignments may be able to select more than one school.

Instructor: List of instructors who teach at the selected school. This option is not available when multiple schools are selected. If you have the instructor role in the MAP system, only your name appears.

Classes: List of classes associated with the selected instructor. This option is not available when multiple instructors are selected.

Note: If you are an instructor, you may only select classes assigned to you within the selected term.

Use the following Report Options to format and determine report results:

Growth Comparison Period: Indicates the beginning and ending term in which student growth is analyzed to summarize actual growth or project future growth.

Optional Grouping: Includes additional summary data for each class by gender or ethnicity in addition to the standard summary by subject. The default option is None.

Small Group Display: Overrides the report summary default and reports summary data for groups of fewer than ten students with growth test scores. Because summary data for small groups is not statistically reliable, it is typically not included in reports.

Ordering an Achievement Status and Growth Report

  1. On the MAP Reports landing page, click Achievement Status and Growth Report.
  2. On the Achievement Status and Growth Report page, select a term from the Term drop-down list.
  3. Select schools to include in the report.
  4. Select the growth comparison period and grouping options.
  5. Click Create Report.

Related Links 

Accessing Reports from the Reports Queue



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