MAP for Primary Grades Class Report

This MAP report shows overall class performance for the MAP for Primary Grades Screening and Skills Checklist type assessments. Colored bands signify low, medium, and high performance levels. This information can help teachers identify areas of strength or concern and help focus instruction.

Sub-skill test results for individual students are available in the MAP for Primary Grades Sub-Skill Report.

This report requires licensing for MAP for Primary Grades. For further details, contact your Partner Relations representative.

To learn more about what each test type measures, see the Assessment Coordination Guide.

For information about each part of the report, see the Reports Reference, available from the MAP Reports landing page.

CollapsedRequired Roles

Field Descriptions

Use the following required fields to order this report:

Select Saved Parameters: Generates a report based on previously saved parameters. This option appears if report parameters have previously been saved.

Roster Term: List of terms for which this report is available. Default setting is the current term, and the choices are limited to those in the current and previous academic year.

Note: Skills Checklist and Screening type assessments are designed to be administered throughout the year and are not associated with a term or test window. The date range determines which test events are included. This field is used to specify which instructors, classes, and students are included in the report.

School: Displays a list of your district schools. Administrators and Instructors may be able to select from more than one school if they are assigned to multiple schools. If you have the Administrator or Instructor role in the MAP system and are only assigned to one school, the school is selected by default.

Instructor: Displays a list of instructors who teach at the selected schools. If you have the instructor role in the MAP system, only your name will display.

Class: Displays a list of classes that are active for the selected School and Roster Term.

Date Range: Sets the date range to search for test events to include in the report. Skills Checklist and Screening test events are available for one calendar year.

Test Name: Displays a list of tests for which completed test events exist within the selected date range.

Ordering a MAP For Primary Grades Class Report

Use the following procedure to order this report:

  1. On the MAP Reports landing page, click MAP for Primary Grades Class Report.
  2. On the MAP For Primary Grades Class page, select a roster term.

  3. Select a school.

    Note: If you are only assigned to one school, you will not be able to make another selection.

  4. Select an instructor.

    Note: If you have the instructor role in the MAP system, your name appears by default.

  5. Select a class to determine which tests appear in your report.

  6. Type a start and end date to search for and include test events.

  7. Select a test from the Test Event drop-down list to retrieve the test data to include in your report.
  8. Click Create Report.

    The MAP For Primary Grades Class Report page appears in a Web browser.

Note: This report does not appear in the Reports Queue. You can print it or save it.

To order the MAP for Primary Grades Sub-Skill Report, select a skill or sub-skill from the online view of the MAP for Primary Grades Class Report. To select all skills and sub-skills, click Select All.

Optional settings in the MAP For Primary Grades Class Report page include:

To remove saved report parameters:

  1. On the MAP For Primary Grades Class Report page, select the saved parameters you want to remove from the Selected saved parameters list.
  2. Click Remove.
    A confirmation dialog box appears.
  3. Click OK.
    This parameter is removed from the list.

Related Links

MAP for Primary Grades Sub-Skill Report

MAP for Primary Grades Student Report



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