This MAP report aggregates and summarizes RIT scores on Survey with Goals growth tests taken in your schools to help you determine how a group of students is projected to perform on a state test.
Linking/alignment studies are limited to fall and spring, so there are no projections from the winter or summer test results.
Note: Of course, you can generate this report any time, but only with the report options set to fall or spring testing.
For information about each part of the report, see the Reports Reference, available from the MAP Reports landing page.
Use the following required fields to order this report:
Term: List of fall and spring terms in the current and previous academic year for which testing has been declared complete and in which the district has at least one associated Survey with Goals growth test event and for which proficiency projections exist. Defaults to the most recent fall or spring term that has been declared complete.
Aggregation: Determines the level of data aggregation for the report. Administrators can order reports that contain data only for schools with which they are associated.
School: List of all schools in an Assessment Coordinator's district or schools assigned to an Administrator. You can choose to include some or all of the schools in the report.
Use the following options to format and display report results:
Optional Grouping: Organizes and calculates results by gender, ethnicity, or program. This grouping is coupled with the aggregation chosen in the options above.
Report Format: Sets the report output file type as PDF (default) or spreadsheet file in XML format.
To order this report:
On the Projected Proficiency Summary page, select a term from the Term drop-down list.
Note: Only terms for which testing has been declared complete are listed.
Click Create Report.
If you choose PDF format, click the View/Print link to view the report with page breaks at the start of each new subject, optional group, or school (if aggregation is School by Grade).
If you choose to export the report in spreadsheet format, click the Download link in the Reports Queue.
Accessing Reports from the Reports Queue
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