Test Events by Status Report

This operational report summarizes the status of all test events for a specific date range within the current term and selected school and indicates the number of tests marked as:

Note: Invalid tests events can be related to the standard error being too high or the student taking the test too quickly.

Use this report in conjunction with the Students Without Valid Tests operational report to identify students that still need to be tested. The student must be assigned to a school to appear on this report.

All test events in the selected date range are counted; this report is not limited to growth test events.

For information about each part of the report, see the Reports Reference, available from the MAP Reports landing page.

CollapsedRequired Roles

Field Descriptions

This operational report is for the current term only. Use the following required fields to order this report:

School: List of your district schools.

The following required fields are filters to help narrow your search criteria. Each section has a Show/Hide control so you can expand and collapse the view of fields on the page.

Subject: List of subjects offered within the selected grades.

Test: List of active tests for the selected subject.

Grade: List of all grades available from school selection.

Display tests in the following date range: Defines search parameters for test events by start date and end date. The start date defaults to the start date of the current term; the end date defaults to the end date of the current term.

Ordering a Test Events by Status Report

Use the following procedure to order this report:

  1. On the Operational Reports landing page, click Test Events by Status.
  2. On the Test Events by Status page, select one or more schools or click Select All.
  3. Click Create Next.
  4. Clear the checkboxes of subjects and tests that you do not want to appear on the report.
  5. Click Create Report.

    The Instructors Without Class Assignments Report page appears.

Note: You can print or save this report or you may access it later through the Reports Queue.

Related Links

Accessing Reports from the Reports Queue



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