User Roles Report

This operational report produces a list of the user profiles and assigned user roles in the MAP system grouped by the organization or school.

For information about each part of the report, see the Reports Reference, available from the MAP Reports landing page.

CollapsedRequired Roles

Field Descriptions

Use the following required fields to order this report:

Term: List of terms for which this operational report is available. Default setting is the current term.

Role: MAP user roles that can be used to search for user profiles in the MAP system. Requires at least one selection.

Status: Active and Inactive. Select one or both to include in the report.

Organization: List of your district and assigned schools. The report shows all users for the specified school or district. For those roles not associated with a particular school, select the district name.

Select the district to see a list of users with the following district-wide permissions who are not associated with specific schools:

Select schools to see a list of users with the following roles that have school permissions:

Ordering a User Roles Operational Report

Use the following procedure to order this report:

  1. On the Operational Reports landing page, click User Roles.
  2. On the User Roles page, select a term.
  3. Select at least one role to search for all user profiles matching roles in the MAP system, or click Select All to select all roles.
  4. Select a status to narrow the focus to active or inactive profiles.
  5. Select one or more schools or the district.
  6. Click Create Report.

    The User Roles Report page appears.

Note: You can print or save this report or you may access it later through the Reports Queue.

Related Links

Accessing Reports from the Reports Queue



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