Unmerging Student Profiles

A merge of duplicate student profiles into a designated master profile combines the duplicate profiles for test results to appear correctly in the MAP system reports.

If you discover that a set of merged student profiles actually refer to different students, you can unmerge the profile back into separate profiles. This re-associates any test results that occurred before the merge with the appropriate profiles. Tests taken after the merge remain associated with the profile that was designated as the master.

CollapsedRequired Role


  1. In the left navigation pane, select Manage Students.
  2. In the Search Criteria section, select Search only for master profiles.
  3. If you do not select Search only for master profiles, any master profile found in your search is designated by a checkmark in the Master? column of the Search Results table.
  4. Select the master profile you want to unmerge.
  5. Click Unmerge.

    The Unmerge Student Profiles page lists the master profile and any profile(s) that were merged into it.

  6. Click Submit.

    A confirmation appears.

Related Links

About Correcting Data Quality Issues

Merging Duplicate Student Profiles



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