Merging Duplicate Student Profiles

For accurate reporting, avoid duplicate student profiles in the MAP database. Although the MAP system has features to help identify duplicate profiles, they still may occur.

Tip: To check for duplicate profiles, run the Potential Duplicate Profiles Report. For more information, see Potential Duplicate Profiles Report.

If duplicate student profiles exist, you can merge them and designate one as the master profile. This consolidates test results under one profile. For information about master profiles, see Understanding Master Profiles.

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  1. In the left navigation pane, select Manage Students.

  2. Enter search criteria, and then click Search.

    For details, see Search Criteria Field Descriptions.

    Search Results include students matching the criteria you entered.

  3. For each student profile you want to merge, use the View/Update button to examine their information so you can make the best choices when you merge. Ask the following: 
  4. From the student search results, select one or more profiles to merge.

    Note: Some profiles may have already been merged and designated a master profile, as indicated under the Master column. You can merge another profile with it, but you cannot merge multiple master profiles.

  5. Click Merge.
  6. Select the profile to designate as the master profile.

    Or, if a profile already appears as the Master Designate, make sure it is the correct one. For more description of the fields and buttons on the Merge Student Profile page, see Merge Student Profiles.

  7. Click Designate as Master.

    The selected profile moves to the Master Designate table.

  8. Click Submit.
    A confirmation message appears.

Related Links

Unmerging Student Profiles

Deleting a Student Profile



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