Scheduling CompassLearning® XML Data File Generation

The CompassLearning® XML File is an XML file that contains your students' test scores in a format that imports into the Odyssey program.

Schools must be licensed for MAP and Odyssey to qualify for this opportunity.

Important! Only one data export file type is available to any particular assessment coordinator at a time. And only one CompassLearning® XML File at a time is available to your entire district.

NWEA recommends that you set up a special user profile with an assessment coordinator role to schedule the CompassLearning® XML generation. (The user does not have to be a real person; for example, "CompassUser" could be the user name.) This allows assessment coordinators to generate Combined Data Files or Comprehensive Data Files and not interfere with the CompassLearning® XML file generation.

To create a dedicated assessment coordinator profile for generating the XML file, see Creating a User Profile.

CollapsedRequired Role


To schedule a CompassLearning® XML File generation:

  1. On the MAP Reports landing page, click Data Export Scheduler.
  2. On the Data Export Scheduler page, select Enable.
  3. Choose how often you want the report to run (Frequency).

  4. If you selected a One Time frequency, select the Term to use as the basis for the data file. Otherwise, if you selected a Daily or Weekly frequency, the Term defaults to the current term and cannot be changed.
  5. Select CompassLearning® XML File as the Export Type.
  6. Under School, select which schools to include in the reporting information. All schools in your district appear, but only data from those eligible to use the Odyssey product appears in the generated file.
  7. Click Save.

    The file Status is In Process until it is ready for download.
  8. Download statuses appear in the table at the bottom of the page. When the file is ready, click Download to open or save the file.



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