Prepare Your Roster

A roster spreadsheet is required for importing staff and students.

The purpose of roster preparation goes beyond testing. The way you put together the roster also determines the organization and access for reports. It groups students into classes, and connects those classes to any educators who need to access the students’ CAP results.

Use the following video to complete your roster, and then import it (see Import Your Roster ).

Walk Through the Preparation Steps:

About the Roster Templates

You create your roster file using NWEA templates, which can be downloaded from the start page. Choose Rostering from the start page main menu and download the roster file templates (requires MAP role of Data Administrator or System Administrator).

  • MAP Roster File Template—Primary template with two spreadsheet tabs:
    • StandardRoster tab—Main template for inputting teachers, students, and classes.
    • Additional Users tab—Optional template to input additional staff or to add other roles to teachers (teachers only receive the Instructor role by default). For details, see Add Staff and Roles in Roster Import.

Saving Roster as CSV Format

After preparing the roster file, you need to save it as the comma-separated (CSV) format before you continue with the roster import.

Note: If you are using Excel®, avoid saving your CSV file(s) as a format variation like CSV UTF-8; however, if you are using a program other than Excel (such as Numbers® or Google Sheets™), you may need to save your CSV file(s) using a CSV format variation.

Note: You may need to save your CSV file(s) using a CSV format variation like CSV UTF-8.