Grade Report

The Grade report will be retired in the summer of 2025. Read more about Legacy Report Retirement.

Description Shows students' detailed and summary test data by grade for a selected term so you can set goals and adjust instruction.
Applicable Tests MAP Growth, Screening, and MAP Growth K–2.

Required Roles

Administrator or Assessment Coordinator (School or District)

Date Limits

1 year prior, including tests completed outside your test window range (they appear in gray font)

Video Overview

Summary Pages

Mean RIT Average RIT score of students in this grade for this subject.
Standard Deviation * Indicates academic diversity of a group of students. The lower the number, the more students are alike (zero would mean all scores are the same). The higher the number, the greater the diversity in this group.
District Grade-Level Mean RIT

Average RIT score of students in this grade for this district. An asterisk (*) appears if the testing window for the term is not closed.

Students At or Above District Grade Level Mean RIT *   The number of students reported who scored at or above the district grade level mean RIT. An asterisk (*) appears if the testing window for the term is not closed.
Grade-Level Mean RIT
These figures give you a national comparison to students who were in the same grade and who tested in the same test window as observed in the NWEA norms study. An asterisk (*) appears if no norms data are available for this subject in this grade (most often 11th grade science and 12th grade).
Students At or Above Grade Level Mean RIT
 * If summary data is missing: By default, these statistics do not compute if you have fewer than ten valid growth test events because a small group is statistically unreliable. However, you can choose the Small Group Display option to compute these figures regardless of group size.



Overall Performance Instructional Area Performance
The top row breaks out the overall scores into the different percentile rankings (low to high), based on the NWEA norms study.

These rows show percentile rankings for each instructional area within the test subject. Data appears only if a student took a MAP Growth test. Screening tests do not provide instructional area data.

Note: Instructional area categories may be labeled differently depending on your test version or state assessment.

Detail Pages


RIT Percentile Lexile® Range Test Duration
The middle number in bolded text is the student's overall RIT score. The numbers on either side of the RIT score define the RIT range. The middle number in bolded text is the student's percentile rank, or the percentage of students who had a RIT score less than or equal to this student's score as observed in the NWEA norms study.

This range appears when the student has taken a reading test. You can use it with online resources to identify appropriately challenging books, periodicals, and other reading material for each student. LEXILE® and METAMETRICS® are trademarks of MetaMetrics, Inc., and are registered in the United States and abroad.

Total of the minutes a student took to complete all test questions (excludes any test interruptions). For a comparison of typical test times, see Average Test Durations.

(+/- Std Err)

The numbers on either side define the standard error range. If retested, the student's score would fall within this range about 68% of the time.

Gray text: Indicates tests that are valid but do not provide growth data (such as a test taken outside the test window). These test results are excluded from summary statistics.


Instructional Area Performance

Summarizes each student's performance in the instructional areas. Data appears only if a student took a MAP Growth test. Screening tests do not provide instructional area data. Note: Instructional area categories may be labeled differently depending on your test version or state assessment.

Italic scores = Performance that might be an area of concern, because they are more than 3 RIT points below the overall RIT score.

Bold scores = Performance that might be an area of relative strength, because they are more than 3 RIT points above the overall RIT score.

Plain scores = RIT range within 3 RIT points of the overall RIT score.

Scores can appear either as RIT ranges or descriptors, which are based on NWEA norms. Low = 20th percentile or lower. LoAvg = 20th to 40th percentile. Avg = 40th to 60th percentiles. HiAvg = 60th to 80th percentiles. High = 80th percentile or higher.

Tip: Focus on the italic and bold areas with teachers to help set instructional goals.


If an asterisk (*) appears for the instructional area: The instructional area performance cannot be calculated. The student may have answered too many items incorrectly or too few items may have been available in the RIT range assessed.

Options for Generating a Grade Report

—Jump to report sample above—

Term: Choices include terms from the current or previous academic years.

Group By: The default choice, Test Name, provides a summary and grouping for each test within the subject. The alternative choice, Subject, only summarizes and groups by the subject.

School, Instructor, Class, and Subject: The choices you have depend on your MAP role. The Assessment Coordinator can choose from across the district-wide. Other roles are limited to assigned schools and classes.

Optional Grouping: Further divides the results and summary data into either gender or ethnicity groupings.

Student Detail Display: Shows detail information if selected. All reports have an overall summary page.

Sort Order: Specifies the order of report results for the selected class by:

  • Student Name sorts students in alphabetical order.
  • Test RIT sorts by student RIT score in ascending numeric order.

Instructional Area Display: Includes any individual instructional area RIT performance data for both growth test events and other valid test events in the report. The number of instructional areas and their names is based on the specific test event. Clear this option to exclude the instructional area scores from the report.

Instructional Area RIT Range: Displays the instructional area scores as a descriptor or range:

  • Instructional Area Descriptor shows how this score aligns with NWEA norms percentiles, such as Low or High.
  • Instructional Area RIT Ranges displays a range that accounts for standard error, such as 153-169.

Small Group Display:Overrides the report summary default and reports summary data for groups of fewer than ten students with growth test scores. Because summary data for small groups is not statistically reliable, it is typically not included in reports.

Report Format: Sets the report output file type as PDF (default) or spreadsheet file in XML format.