Match on ID


There are two different matching methods that NWEA’s roster system can use to prevent file-based rosters from creating duplicate student and staff profiles: candidate matching and Match on ID.

Candidate matching vs Match on ID

Candidate matching

Under this default option for manual imports, matches for the incoming profile are presented and require a user with the Data Administrator role to reconcile the profile either by matching to an existing profile or by creating a new profile. A complex matching algorithm based on a number of criteria (e.g., last name, date of birth, gender, phonetic last name, and phonetic first name) is used to identify candidate and duplicate matches.

Match on ID

When this option is configured, the import process ignores the candidate matching criteria and looks only to find a matching student ID or instructor ID. If a profile with a matching ID is found, the system will update that profile with the incoming data. If a profile with a matching ID is not found, a new profile will be created. Match on ID is now the default matching method for new NWEA partners, and it’s required for those who plan to use common rostering. It’s also required for NWEA partners who use Automated Rostering with Clever for NWEA.

Important guidelines for Match on ID

Ensure student and instructor IDs are not recycled

When using the Match on ID method, student and instructor IDs must not be recycled within the source student information system (SIS). Student and staff IDs must be unique and must remain associated with the student or staff member throughout their enrollment in the district. This includes situations such as when a student leaves and subsequently returns to the district.

Any duplication of student IDs in the source data will result in an existing student’s profile being overwritten with an incoming student’s data and the test history of the existing student being assumed by the incoming student.

Please work with your source SIS to ensure student and instructor IDs are unique.

Prepare for the transition to Match on ID

If you are a current NWEA partner who uses candidate matching and will be transitioning to Match on ID, please be sure to complete important preparatory steps. For detailed instructions for how to transition to Match on ID, see the Match on ID article in NWEA Connection.