Deleting a Student Profile

Occasionally, you may want to delete a student profile, such as a profile that was mistakenly added to the MAP system.

Important! Deleting a profile is permanent and cannot be reversed. Deleting is only possible when the profile contains no testing history.

A student profile cannot be deleted if the profile:

Tip: If a student has taken tests under multiple profiles, it's possible to merge the profiles to clean up the student's test history. Contact your Data Administrator.See Merging Duplicate Student Profiles.
CollapsedRequired Roles


To delete a student profile from the MAP system:

  1. In the left navigation pane, select Manage Students.
  2. Specify the criteria for your search.

    For details, see Search Criteria Field Descriptions.

  3. Click Search.
  4. Select the student whose profile you want to delete.
  5. Click Delete.



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