Reconcile Errors - Student Error

Use this page to choose an option for correcting the specific record found in error. After you reconcile the error, click Save and Next to continue.

Tip: Before you reconcile this error, you may want to first export a list of errors, so that you can make corrections in your student information system or other data source. To export errors, click Return to Error Summary, and then click Export Errors. Note that the export list does not include errors after you have reconciled them.

Record to Import

The affected record from the roster file.

Error Reconciliation

The following table lists available options for each error and consequences for pursuing the option.

Student Errors Available Options Consequences for Selected Option
More than one exact match found for student. Do not reconcile at this time. Temporarily skips over the record so you can reconcile the error later.
Update the following selected student with the incoming record. Overwrites the existing record.
Do not import incoming records that contain this student. Excludes the incoming record from the import.
No exact match for student but one or more candidate matches found. Do not reconcile at this time. Temporarily skips over the record so you can reconcile the error later.
Update the following selected student with the incoming record. Overwrites the existing record.
Create a new student profile for this student. Creates a new profile based on the incoming student record’s data.
Do not import incoming records that contain this student. Excludes the incoming record from the import.
Exact match from a merged set exists for student. No reconciliation is necessary. Not applicable. The incoming student record is not imported. No change is made to the merged record.

Related Links

Reconciling Import Errors

Reconcile Errors



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