At times, you may discover that student profiles were merged into a single profile when, in fact, the profiles represent separate students. If you unmerge student profiles, you may want to reassign test events.
Fields include:
Last Name: The last name of the student whose profile was designated as master.
First Name: The first name of the student whose profile was designated as master.
Middle Name: The middle name of the student whose profile was designated as mastery. If data is not available for the student, this field is blank (-).
Student ID: Only for students whose ID was supplied during create or import. If data is not available for a student, this field displays as blank (-).
Date of Birth: The birthdate of the student whose profile was designated as master. If data is not available for a student, this field displays as blank (-).
Gender: The gender of the student whose profile was designated as master. If data is not available for a student, this field displays as blank (-).
Profile Created On: The date this student profile was created.
Fields include:
Last Name: The last name of the student whose profile was merged into the master profile.
First Name: The first name of the student whose profile was merged into the master profile.
Middle Name: The middle name of the whose profile was merged into the master profile. If data is not available for the student, this field is blank (-).
Student ID: Appears only for students whose ID was supplied during create or import. If data is not available for a student, this field is blank (-).
Date of Birth: The birthdate of the student whose profile was merged into the master profile. If data is not available for a student, this field is blank (-).
Gender: The gender of the student whose profile was merged into the master profile. If data is not available for a student, this field is blank (-).
Profile Created On: The date this student profile was created.
Merging Duplicate Student Profiles
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