Understanding Master Profiles

From time to time, the MAP®Collapsed system may end up with more than one profile for the same student. These are called duplicate profiles, even if not all the information contained in them is exactly the same.

This can happen if a proctor and data administrator create a profile for the same student using slightly different information. For example, one profile might include the student's gender, while the second one has no gender listed.

When duplicate profiles are discovered, the issue can be corrected in one of two ways:

When you merge profiles, you are combining the test events from the selected profiles into one Master profile so historical test events are applied correctly and appear correctly in reports. (The changes will appear after nightly processing.)

After profiles are merged, you can still view the duplicate profile, but it is no longer active. Therefore, you cannot assign test events to, or modify the merged profile. You can separate or unmerge profiles later as needed.

Related Links

About Managing Data Quality

Unmerging Student Profiles



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