This student-level MAP report can be used with a student to set growth and learning goals. You can use it as a learning contract to help students establish ownership of their learning, and also share it with parents during conferences. This report compares an individual student's test history for a period of time against the student's growth projections and provides space to set custom goals and action plans.
You can order this report to show student test data from Survey with Goals tests within the current and previous academic years.
Students must have at least one test growth event in any term within the selected growth comparison period for the MAP system to generate this report. Otherwise, you can use the blank template available from the bottom of the Student Goal Setting Worksheet page.
For information about each part of the report, see the Reports Reference, available from the MAP Reports landing page.
The fields and options shown depend on the following:
Use the following required fields to order this report:
Term Rostered: List of terms in the current and previous academic years in which students, instructors, and classes are rostered in your district. For example, an instructor can view a student's test results from a previous term when the student was in another class. The default setting is the current term.
School: List of your district schools for the selected term in which the student is rostered. Administrators and instructors may be able to select more than one school if they are assigned to multiple schools. If you have the Administrator role or Instructor role in the MAP system and you are assigned to one school, only that school appears.
Instructor: List of instructors who teach at your district schools. If you have the instructor role in the MAP system and you are assigned to one school, only your name appears.
Class: List of classes associated with the selected instructor. If you are an instructor, you may only select classes that you teach.
Student: List of students associated with the selected instructor.
Report Options: Use the following options to set when growth is measured and in which subjects:
Growth Comparison Period: Sets the initial and final testing terms for measuring growth shown in the "Growth Measured from" period on the report. Default selection depends on the roster term selected rather than current term. For example, if the term rostered begins in the fall or winter, the default growth comparison period is fall to spring in the same academic year. If the term rostered begins in spring, the default growth comparison period is spring to spring for the same academic year.
Subject: List of subjects you can show on the report.
Download Student Goal Setting Worksheet Template: Link to a blank Student Goal Setting Worksheet you can use to set goals and action plans for any student.
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