Growth Comparison Period: Identifies the term to be used as the basis for analyzing student growth compared to norms. Options available are Fall to Spring, Fall to Winter, Spring to Spring, or Fall to Fall. The default is Fall to Spring.
- Test events display in reverse chronological order if more than one test event exists for a term. Time stamps determine the order of multiple test events on the same date.
- The list includes only terms in which the student took a test and had all required attributes for reporting defined in the student profile.
Goal Ranges: Specifies whether to display the goals for the test events as text values or RIT values. The default is goal descriptor.
- Goal Descriptor translates the percentile to one of the following:
- Low: Student goal scores are lower than the 21st percentile
- LoAvg: Student goal scores fall within the 21st-40th percentile
- Avg: Student goal scores fall within the 41st-60th percentile
- HiAvg: Student goal scores fall within the 61st-80th percentile
- High: Student goal scores fall within the 81st percentile or higher
- If goal performance cannot be calculated, an asterisk (*) appears. The student may have answered too many items incorrectly, too few items may have been available in the RIT range assessed, or norms data for percentiles may be unavailable.
- Goal RIT Ranges reports the student’s goal RIT range, such as 198-213.
Reference: Specifies whether to include comparisons to the District Average RIT and Norm Group Average. The default is both. If a district hasn’t declared testing complete for the term, no district averages can be displayed.
- District Average RIT calculation is based on the average RIT of all students’ identified test events across the district for a specific subject, term and grade.
- Norm Group Average is the grade level mean—or 50th percentile—for the subject, term and grade, as determined by the NWEA norm study.
Test Events: Specifies whether to include only growth test events or all valid test events.
- Growth Only reports only growth tests. A growth test is a valid test event used for measuring student performance for a given term for a given subject, and must occur within a school’s test window. If multiple tests are valid and occur within the test window, the test event with the lowest standard error of measure is the growth test event.
- All Valid includes growth tests, valid non-growth test events and the student's complete test history. It includes only valid test events (no terminated test data). Valid test events that are not also growth test events appear in gray text. These test events are reported for informational purposes only and are not used for measuring student performance for a given term.
Graph Style: Specifies whether the graph showing student progress should be a bar chart or line graph.
Group Output: Specifies how many Acrobat PDF files you will get. For example, if you intend to e-mail a report to each student, choose One PDF per Student.
Include Quick Reference: Specifies whether to print an explanatory page aimed at parents and teachers. Click the link for a sample.