Assessment Content and Test Types


MAP Reading Fluency can be used for three main purposes:

  1. Gathering interim benchmark data about foundational or oral reading skills as well as universal screening using the Benchmark test

  2. Progress Monitoring throughout a term in Foundational Skills (specifically in the areas or domains of Phonological Awareness and Phonics & Word Recognition) and in Oral Reading

  3. Screening students for possible risk factors for dyslexia or other reading difficulties using the Dyslexia Screener

Therefore, MAP Reading Fluency has three main test types. The table below, MAP Reading Fluency Test Types, will fill you in on the basic facts about each one. Select the links in the table that interest you or use the Help Center navigation to learn more.

  MAP Reading Fluency Test Types
1. Benchmark Tests 2. Progress Monitoring

3. Dyslexia Screener

Foundational Skills

Oral Reading

Recommended grade levels Pre-K through 5 K–5 Grade 1 (spring only) and grades 2–5 Available for K–3 only
Test content Oral reading fluency, literal comprehension, and/or foundational reading skills, depending on test subtype assigned; universal screening for possible reading difficulty* Phonological Awareness and/or Phonics & Word Recognition Oral reading fluency and literal comprehension Foundational reading skills and naming speed (Rapid Automatized Naming[RAN]); identifies students with possible risk factors for dyslexia or other reading difficulties
Administration types Onsite and remote
Frequency 3 times per year Multiple times per term Multiple times per term Up to 3 times per year
Test time About 20 minutes to assess an entire class simultaneously 5–7 minutes for either test 5–10 minutes About 20 minutes to assess an entire class simultaneously
Accessibility Audio instruction, color contrast adjustment, and magnification
Setting Up for Testing Devices and headsets for each student
Languages English and Spanish* English English English

*Due to the differences between the Spanish and English languages, some of the tested skills will be different on the Spanish test, but both tests will accurately assess reading ability. Universal screening is available in all English Benchmark tests except for the Foundational Skills – Beginner test subtype. Universal screener outcomes are not available for Spanish MAP Reading Fluency at this time.

Choosing the right test assignment

If you’re unsure which test type to assign, you may find the following references helpful.

Test Segments and Skills Assessed in Each Test Type

Table of skills assessed with MAP Reading Fluency along with the test types that measure those skills

MAP Reading Fluency Administration Guidance

For recommendations about which test types are appropriate for your students, refer to the MAP Reading Fluency Administration Guidance Document. It provides a summary of the Benchmark test subtypes, Progress Monitoring test, and Dyslexia Screener to help you determine which of the tests to assign. The document also provides guidance on using MAP Reading Fluency and MAP Growth together.

Research Tests

Research tests are optional tests that collect data to improve MAP Reading Fluency. They are intended for MAP Reading Fluency partners who are participating in an NWEA research program. For more information, contact your Account Manager.

Student experience

The student experience will vary depending on which test students are assigned. To see what students will see in each test, refer to each test type topic:

Test Construction: MAP Reading Fluency Technical Report

For a deeper dive into psychometric and test construction information, please download the MAP Reading Fluency Technical report.

For test design and specifications for the Spanish assessment, please download the Spanish MAP Reading Fluency Content Guide.