Merge Student Profiles

You can merge duplicate profiles into a designated Master profile in order to clean up student profiles or correct any test events for a student. For example, inconsistent formatting, capitalization, use of special characters and abbreviations, or typos can result in two or more profiles for the same student, but with slightly different names (such as Rosa, Rosario, and Rosita Gonzalez).

When you merge profiles, you are combining the test events from the selected profiles into one Master profile so historical test events are applied correctly and appear correctly in reports. (The changes will appear after nightly processing.)

After profiles are merged, you can still view the duplicate profile, but it is no longer active. Therefore, you cannot assign test events to, or modify the merged profile. You can separate or unmerge profiles later as needed.

Important! The profile you choose as the master controls how test events appear on reports. For example, if the master profile was not part of last fall's roster, but the other merged profile had test events for that fall term, then those fall test events would not appear on reports after the merge. They will not appear because the master profile does not have the required reporting attributes for that fall term. In this case, you can update the master profile and use the Add Term button. Also include applicable reporting attributes, like class.
CollapsedButton for Master Designate

Field Descriptions for Master Designate

Fields include:

Last Name: Student's last name.

First Name: Student's first name.

Middle Name: Student’s middle name or initial, if available. If information is not available for a student, this field is blank (-).

Student ID: Student's ID supplied during create or import. If information is not available for a student, this field is blank (-).

Date of Birth: Student's birth date, if provided. If information is not available for a student, this field is blank (-).

Gender: Student's gender, if provided. If information is not available for a student, this field is blank (-).

Profile Created On: Date the student profile was created.

Existing Master?: Master profile is indicated by a checkmark, otherwise, this field is blank (-). Profiles listed as master profiles result from two or more duplicate profiles that were merged.

Tip: You cannot merge two master profiles. If want to merge two master profiles, unmerge one of them and then try again.
CollapsedButtons for Profiles to Merge

Field Descriptions for Profiles to Merge

Tip: Check potential duplicate profiles carefully before you merge them.

Fields include:

Last Name: Student's last name.

First Name: Student's first name.

Middle Name: Student’s middle name or initial, if available. If information is not available for a student, this field is blank (-).

Student ID: Student's ID supplied during create or import. If information is not available for a student, this field is blank (-).

Date of Birth: Student's birth date, if provided. If information is not available for a student, this field is blank (-).

Gender: Student's gender, if provided. If information is not available for a student, this field is blank (-).

Profile Created On: Date the student profile was created.

Related Links

Understanding Master Profiles

Merging Duplicate Student Profiles

Unmerging Student Profiles



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