User Profile - Create/Update Profile

You can add basic user information to a new user profile from this page. You can also update basic information in an existing user profile.

A user profile is a collection of information that identifies a MAP user and defines the user's access to the MAP system. You must assign one or more roles to each user to specify the user's MAP system permissions.

You must perform extra steps for user profiles with the administrator or instructor role, as follows:

CollapsedButtons for All Roles

Field Descriptions for All Roles

User Name: Name for the user to type to log into the MAP system. The user name must be unique within the district. It can contain letters, numbers, and certain special characters. However, the following characters are prohibited:

& , / \ ; " + ‘ $ ( ) < > =

E-mail Address: E-mail address to which the MAP system sends login information to the user. An e-mail address is optional, but strongly recommended. The e-mail address must be unique within the district.

Temporary Password: (Displayed for existing profiles only) Password for the user to type to log into MAP after the password is reset (by clicking Request Temporary Password). The MAP system randomly generates the password, which contains both alphabetic and non-alphabetic characters.

Note: The temporary password displays here.


First Name: User’s first name. The name can contain no more than 65 characters.

Middle Name: User’s middle name or initial. The name can contain no more than 20 characters.

Last Name: User’s last name. The name can contain no more than 65 characters.

Available Roles: MAP system roles you can assign to define the user’s permissions in the MAP system. The box lists all roles that are not already assigned to the user. Multiple roles can be assigned.

Tip: You must assign at least one role to each user to give the user access to the MAP system.

Roles to Assign: One or more MAP system roles assigned to the user to define the user's permissions in the MAP system.

System Privileges: Tasks the user is allowed to perform in the MAP system based on the assigned roles. For more information, see User Roles and Permissions.

CollapsedButton for Administrator and Instructor

Field Descriptions for Administrator

If schools have already been added to the user profile, the page includes this field:

School: Schools assigned to the user who has the administrator role. The user can view MAP reports for all schools listed.

Field Descriptions for Instructor

Instructor ID: Identifier used by the district to uniquely identify the instructor. The ID can contain no more than 320 characters, including letters, numbers, and special characters.

Term: Instructional terms for which the user is active, if terms have already been added to the user profile. The user who has the instructor role can view MAP reports for all classes assigned for the specified term. 

Note: When you add a term, you can specify the school and classes to assign at the same time.

Related Links

Creating a User Profile

Resetting a User Password



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