User Profile - Find Existing Classes

Use this page to find a class that an instructor teaches and add it to the instructor's user profile. Adding a class gives the instructor access to MAP reports for the class and for each student in the class.

This page lets you to search within a selected term and school for a class that was previously added to the MAP system.


Field Descriptions for Search Criteria

Term: Instructional term that you selected on the previous page. Searches you perform from this page find classes for this term only.

School: Pull-down list of schools assigned to the instructor. Class searches from this page are limited to the school selected here.

Class Name: Name of existing class. To find the class, type at least three consecutive letters from any part of the class name. Wildcard characters cannot be used.

Instructor Name: Last name of an instructor already assigned to the class. Searching by instructor is helpful when the class is shared by multiple instructors. To find the instructor, type at least two consecutive letters from any part of the instructor's last name. Wildcard characters are not supported.

Field Descriptions for Search Results

When classes are found, the fields for each class include:

Class Name: Name of class found.

Note: Multiple-instructor classes are classes assigned to multiple instructors. They are indicated by the letters MI on the page. Each instructor assigned to a class has full access to the reports for the class and its students.

Instructor Name: Name of one or more instructors already assigned to the class. Instructor first and last names are listed with the last name first.

Related Links

About Modifying Class Assignments

Assigning a Class to a Different Instructor

Updating Instructor Class Assignments



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