Updating Instructor Class Assignments

It is sometimes necessary to change the information associated with a given class assignment in a teacher's profile. The MAP®Collapsed system makes it easy to find existing classes, edit class names, view class lists, and delete classes.

These changes are often made in bulk, with roster file imports, but can be performed individually.

CollapsedRequired Roles


To update Instructor class assignments:

  1. In the left navigation pane, select Manage Users.
  2. Type search criteria and then click Search.

    For details, see Field Descriptions for Search Criteria.

  3. Select the user whose class assignments you want to modify, and then click View/Update.
  4. Scroll down to the Instructor section of the User Profile page.

    Tip: To easily navigate the User Profile page, click anywhere on a section banner to collapse or expand that section.
  5. Select the term in which you want to update class assignments, and then click View/Update.
  6. Proceed with one or more of the following:
CollapsedEditing a class name:
CollapsedViewing a class list:
CollapsedCreating a new class:
CollapsedFinding existing classes:
CollapsedDeleting an existing class:

Related Links

Creating an Instructor Profile

Updating Student Profiles in Bulk

Assigning a Class to a Different Instructor



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