User Profile - Potential Duplicate Found

This page indicates that the user profile you are creating or updating is similar to one or more existing profiles. You can change the profile to make it unique or ignore the warning and save the profile without changes.

To help you maintain data integrity, the MAP system checks the first name, last name, and instructor ID you entered against all existing user profiles. When some of these fields match one or more existing user profiles, this page warns you by displaying the existing profiles, starting with the closest match first.

Note: The MAP system displays a different page to indicate an exact match of the first name, last name, and instructor ID (not left blank). The MAP system does not let you create an instructor profile that duplicates all of these fields.


Field Descriptions for the User Currently Being Created or Updated

Name: New or updated user’s first, middle, and last names.

User Name: New or updated user's user name for logging on to the MAP system.

Role: New or updated user's role(s) in the MAP system. The role(s) assigned to a user determine which activities that user can perform in the MAP system. For more information, see User Roles and Permissions.

Field Descriptions for the Potential Duplicate Profiles

Last Name: Existing user’s last name.

First Name: Existing user’s first name.

Middle Name: Existing user’s middle name.

User Name: Existing user's user name for logging on to the MAP system.

Instructor ID: Existing user's identifier, used by the district to uniquely identify a user who is assigned the instructor role only.

Profile Created On: Date when an existing user profile was originally created, including month, day, and year.

Profile Last Modified: Date when an existing user profile was last modified, including month, day, and year.

Role: Existing user's role(s) in the MAP system. The role(s) assigned to a user determine which activities that user can perform in the MAP system.

Related Links

Creating a User Profile

About Modifying Class Assignments

About Correcting Data Quality Issues




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