Operational Reports

The following reports help you to keep testing on track and to correct data issues on MAP reports.

Print Resources:

Check Testing Progress

Required Role: Data Administrator or District Assessment Coordinator or School Assessment Coordinator

Name Key Data Key Uses

Students Without Valid Test Results Report

Which students have not yet tested for each test

Identify students with either incomplete (suspended) tests or completed tests that are invalid

Test Events by Status Report

Total count within each grade of valid, invalid, suspended, and terminated tests

Monitor how well schools are progressing in testing

Check Reporting Issues

Required Role: Data Administrator or District Assessment Coordinator. Also School Assessment Coordinator for this report: Students Without Reporting Attributes.

Name Key Data Key Uses

Students Without Reporting Attributes Report

Students in each school with missing attributes

Identify students who lack the information to appear on reports, such as ethnicity

Instructors Without Class Assignments Report

Teachers (Instructor role) without a class assignment this term

Identify instructors who cannot access reports

Students by District

All student records in CSV format with demographic information

Verify your student demographic information for a given term

Check User Profiles

Required Role: Data Administrator or District Assessment Coordinator.

Name Key Data Key Uses

Potential Duplicate Profiles

Users with the same ID or missing ID, in CSV format

Help find duplicate entries for the same student or Instructor so you can clean your records

Profiles With Shared IDs

Users with similar data, in PDF format

User Roles Report

Users and all the roles assigned to them

Identify who has access to the MAP site, specific data, and specific features