Modifying Custom Names

Required MAP role: District Assessment Coordinator or System Administrator

  1. In the left navigation pane, select Manage Preferences > Modify District.
  2. Scroll down each section and review the Custom Name column. These names are what appear on reports and throughout the interface.

  3. If you want to change a name, select it and click Edit Name.
  4. If you need to create a new name in the list, click one of the following: Add School, Add Grade, Add Ethnic Group, or Add Program.
  5. Complete the following prompts:
    1. Standard Name: Choose an applicable name from the drop-down list, or choose Not Specified or Other.
    2. Custom Name: Type it carefully, because you must use this exact spelling when preparing your roster of students each term.
  6. Click Submit.

School-Specific Settings

In the Modify District page, use the link View/Update Terms to define test dates for each school. For more information, see Date Setup Before Testing

Next Steps

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