Set Testing Rules

As a District Assessment Coordinator, you will want to control the rules that MAP Growth uses during testing:

Should students see their score?   Should you restrict which tests students can take?   Should students be able
to retest?
See next topic   See Set Test Restrictions   See Consider Retesting Rules and Policy

Set Test Score Display

You control whether test results display on student devices when students complete their tests in the MAP system. This is a district-wide setting and is enabled by default to help involve students with their growth. If you encounter issues, however, such as students becoming overly competitive, you might disable the score display.

To modify the test score display:

Required MAP role: District Assessment Coordinator or System Administrator

  1. In the left navigation pane, select Modify Preferences > Modify Tests.
  2. Near the top, either select or clear the option: Display test results to students at the end of a test.

Set Test Restrictions

Your district has the option to define which tests are appropriate for students, such as which grade level(s) may take each test. Restricted tests will be either hidden or blocked in the Proctor controls (Manage Test Sessions) so that Proctors do not mistakenly assign the wrong test.

Example restrictions for 6+ test:


Restriction Situation When Proctor Tries to Test...
Term =
Spring Only
During spring Testing okay
During winter Test hidden from Proctor console
Grade =
6–12 Only
Students in grades 6–12
Testing okay
Students in grade K–5

Test blocked from assignment (although it might still appear as a menu choice if testing a mix of grades)

Frequency =
Once Per Term
First time taking test Testing okay

Second time

Can assign test but not confirm student to join testing

Note: Terminated tests count toward this restriction, according to default rules (see Consider Retesting Rules and Policy)

To set a test restriction:

Required MAP role: District Assessment Coordinator or System Administrator

  1. In the left navigation pane, select Modify Preferences > Modify Tests.
  2. Select one or more tests, and click Edit test settings.

  3. In the Configure Tests window, select any combination of checkboxes listed.

  4. Click Assign.

Recommendations for test restrictions:

  • Avoid changing test restrictions during the test window:

    • For example, if you change the Grade restriction, but students under the restricted grade have suspended tests, they can no longer complete the test.
    • Also, changing the Frequency to Once Per Term affects testing only from then on, so students who already completed testing in that term could still retest.
  • For grade restrictions, allow for students in transition, such as fifth-grade students who may be ready for a 6+ test.
  • If you enable the Once Per Term restriction, be aware of these implications:
    • Terminated tests, like completed tests, count toward this restriction, according to default rules (see Consider Retesting Rules and Policy). 
    • Suspended tests will automatically become terminated after 28 days, and also trigger this restriction.

Overriding the Once Per Term Restriction

If an individual student needs an exception to the Once Per Term test restriction, your school can override the restriction by excluding the first test event.

For example, if a fire drill occurred during testing, the Proctor might have accidentally terminated a test instead of suspending it. By default, a terminated test counts the same as a completed test. As a result, when the Proctor attempts to assign and confirm the same test later, the student would be ineligible to test: 

Note: This restriction occurs only if your district has kept the default retesting rules. For more information, see the next topic, Consider Retesting Rules and Policy.

To exclude the student’s test event:

Excluding the test event from reports also excludes it from the test restriction. After excluding the first test, the Proctor can test the student as normal.

Required MAP role: Data Administrator

  1. Click Manage Students.
  2. Search for a student.
  3. In the search results, select the student with the incorrect test event.
  4. Click View/Update Test Events.
  5. Select the test event (refer to the Test Status column to help distinguish which one).
  6. Click Exclude from Reports.
  7. To confirm:
    1. In the Included in Reports? column, a dash appears for the excluded test event.
    2. Wait for the overnight process and regenerate reports (the test should no longer appear).

Consider Retesting Rules and Policy

If you restrict a test to Once Per Term, the following retesting rules take effect. These district‑wide rules allow exceptions so that students can still retest under appropriate circumstances.

However, if these exceptions do not match your retesting policies, NWEA can reverse any of these rules and disable the retesting exception. To request a change, district leaders can contact NWEA Support.


  When the First Test Was... Retesting Is... Explanation If NWEA Reverses
(Not Recommended)

Invalid (such as a 2‑minute test duration)

(not restricted)

Test invalidation is rare, but when it occurs, retesting is recommended (see Invalid Tests and Unofficial RIT Scores for more on invalidation)

Restriction applies whether the test is valid or invalid

Outside the test window dates

(not restricted)

For reliable comparisons, you want all tests to occur during the test window (test occurrence is based on start date, not completion date)

Restriction applies whether the test is inside or outside test window

At or above the rapid-guessing threshold

(not restricted)

The rapid-guessing threshold (meaning the student rapid-guessed at least 30% of questions possible) indicates the score might misrepresent the student’s abilities (see Check Rapid-Guessing Behavior  for more)

Restriction applies whether the student did or didn’t reach the threshold


Not allowed

This restriction provides strong security against inappropriate retesting; Proctors should be careful to avoid accidental termination

Restriction does not apply when the test terminated

                  – Override Rule –

Excluded from reports

(and will override other restrictions)

This rule enables your school to exclude a student’s first test event to override a test restriction, such as when the first test was terminated accidentally

Note: Only someone with the Data Administrator role can exclude a test

Restriction applies whether or not the test was excluded

To see the active retesting rules for your district:

Required MAP role: District Assessment Coordinator or System Administrator

  1. In the left navigation pane, select Modify Preferences > Modify Tests.
  2. Find the retesting rules listed at the top:

Your Retesting Policy

There are two overall goals to balance when considering whether to retest students for the same test in the same term:

  • Provide ample chances for students to show what they know in an effort to support their learning


  • Avoid aggressively retesting for the wrong reasons, such as the pressure to show greater growth between testing periods

NWEA recommends that you create a written policy that provides guidelines when making retesting decisions. A key piece to include in your retesting policy is a clear description of both the justification and the evidence needed for retesting.


Example Justifications Key Evidence Policy Goal
Excessive rapid guessing
  • Student Profile report (subject tab)
  • Class Profile report
  • Comprehensive Data file or the Combined Data File (CDF) produced from the Data Export Scheduler

Establish what is an “excessive” percentage of rapid guessing; NWEA recommends retesting when a student reaches the rapid-guessing threshold (student rapid-guessed on 30% or more of the questions possible on the test)

Extreme drop in scores between terms
  • Achievement Status and Growth report

Establish what is a “substantial” amount and check at every term (for example, a decline of 10 or more RIT points could indicate low student effort)

Unusual changes in test duration
  • Class Profile report

The time allowed for testing needs to be sufficient and consistent every test term; for a comparison, see the NWEA Average MAP Growth Test Durations

For more about retesting, see: