Creating an Instructor Profile

A user profile is a collection of information that identifies a MAP®Collapsed user and gives the user access to the MAP system. Instructor is a MAP system role that can view MAP reports and instructional resources.

This is a multi-step procedure that includes associating the Instructor profile with terms, schools, and classes.

To create a user profile for roles other than Instructor, see:

CollapsedRequired Roles


To create a user profile with the Instructor role:

  1. In the left navigation pane, select Manage Users.
  2. (Recommended) Search to make sure the profile doesn't already exist.

    For details, see Field Descriptions for Search Criteria.

  3. If the search does not return an existing profile, click Create User.
  4. Type the requested information under All Roles.

    For descriptions of each field, see User Profile - Create/Update Profile.

  5. In the User Role section, under Available Roles, click Instructor, and then click Add.
    The Instructor role moves to the Roles to Assign list.

    Tip: You can also double click a role to move it from one list to the other.
  6. Click Continue.
    The User Profile page lists options for assigning terms, schools, and classes to this user. For information about the fields on this page, see User Profile - Add/Update Term.

    If the user name and/or e-mail address you specified match those in an existing profile, an error message appears at the top of the page. Supply a different user name and/or e-mail address, then click Continue.

  7. To specify a term other than the current term (set by default), select it from the Term drop-down list.
  8. Click Add School.
    The User Profile page displays the term with a School Name search box.
    1. In the search box, type at least three consecutive letters of the school you want to find, and then click Search.

      Tip: Typing "ele" returns all schools with "elementary" in the name.
    2. Select the desired school from the search results, and then click Add School.

      To assign additional schools to this user, click Add School under Table Actions, and repeat steps A and B.

    Note: If the search results do not include the desired school, revise your search or contact your Assessment Coordinator to find the name of the school used in the MAP system.

  9. (Optional) Click one of the following to assign a class to this Instructor:
  10. Click Add Term.

    Note: From this point forward, clicking Cancel will result in the loss of information you have entered for this profile.

    The User Profile page displays an input field for creating an Instructor ID. While not required, assigning a unique ID to each Instructor helps prevent duplicate profiles.

  11. Click Submit.

    The User Profile - Summary page appears.

  12. Review the information you have specified for this Instructor.
  13. Click Submit on the User Profile-Summary

    Important! With any change, be sure to click Submit as needed—possibly on multiple pages—to complete the action. The process is complete and the change is saved in the MAP system only when you see a message such as, "User profile has been updated successfully."

The MAP system displays a message confirming that it created the new user profile. If you specified an e-mail address for this user, the system automatically sends a user name and temporary password to that address.

If you did not specify an e-mail address for this user, the screen displays the user name and temporary password.

Important! Make sure to write down the user name and temporary password before you leave the confirmation page. You will need it to notify the user directly.

Related Links

Creating an Administrator Profile

Creating a User Profile (For all other user profiles.)

User Roles and Permissions

Setting up Automatic E-mail Notification



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