Testing Step-by-step: Setup



    Options:  1: Find Students -or- 2: Test Your Class -or- 3: Saved Session







These instructions walk you through testing, but before you jump in, we recommend the Proctor Quick Start training (9 min). When you're ready, log into MAP and click Manage Test Sessions on the left.

Potential issue:

Next, choose from the following options...

Option 1: Find Students to Test

With this option, you use search for students by school, grade, class, or other criteria. You can optionally test now, or save the list of students for testing later.

CollapsedHow to Find Students...


Option 2: Test Your Class

Use this option if you are testing your own class of students.

CollapsedHow to Test Your Class...


Option 3: Use a Saved Testing Session

With this option, you find a session that was already created ahead of time so you can quickly start testing.

CollapsedHow to Use a Saved Session...




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