Creating an Administrator Profile

A user profile is a collection of information that identifies a MAP®Collapsed user and gives the user access to the MAP system. Administrator is a MAP system role that can view MAP reports for associated schools, including all classes and students in the schools. In addition, a user with Administrator permissions can view instructional resources within the MAP system.

CollapsedRequired Roles


To create a user profile with the Administrator role:

  1. In the left navigation pane, select Manage Users.

  2. (Recommended) Search to make sure the profile doesn't already exist.

    For details, see Field Descriptions for Search Criteria.

  3. If the search does not return an existing profile for the user, click Create User.
  4. Enter the requested information under All Roles.

    For field descriptions, see User Profile - Create/Update Profile.

  5. In the User Role section, under Available Roles, click Administrator, then click Add.

    The Administrator role moves to the Roles to Assign list.

    Tip: You can also double click a role to move it from one list to the other.
  6. Click Continue.

  7. Specify the schools for which the user is authorized to access reports. Click one of the following options:

  8. Click Submit.

    Important! With any change, be sure to click Submit as needed—possibly on multiple pages—to complete the action. The process is complete and the change is saved in the MAP system only when you see a message such as, "User profile has been updated successfully."

    The MAP system displays a message confirming that it created the new user profile. In addition:

Related Links

Creating an Instructor Profile

Creating a User Profile (For all other user profiles.)

Setting up Automatic E-mail Notification



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