Import Profile

Import Profile serves as the home page for importing profile data into the MAP®Collapsed system. From this page, you can start an import or continue an ongoing import process.

In addition, use this page to review the history of prior imports for the past three months, with the most recent event at the top. This information helps Data Administrators throughout the district communicate about data changes.


Field Descriptions

This page displays dynamic information. Fields include:

Import Status: The status of any import (for example, Import Set Up In Progress).

Import Profile History: Historical list of imports for the past three months showing:

Posted: All data are uploaded to the MAP system.

Posted With Errors: All valid data are uploaded to the MAP system. Some reconcilable errors remain and must be fixed for all data to be posted.

Canceled: Import was started and manually stopped (canceled). No data are uploaded to the MAP system.

Related Links

Importing Student and User Profiles

Set Up Import

Preview and Confirm File

File Format Errors Found

Import Summary

Reconcile Errors



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