Preview and Confirm File

Use this page to preview the records to be imported from the roster file and optional programs file. In particular, verify that each column’s data matches the type displayed in the column header. You can do either of the following:


Field Descriptions

Fields on this page include:

Import Date: When the current import began.

Import Type: Type of profile data imported (Combined, Students Only, Instructors Only, or Additional Users). If it is a Combined import and data for the term already existed, this field indicates whether the import was set up to update existing data or to also replace class and program associations.

Term: Instructional term selected for the import.

Roster File: Name of the file used to import profile data.

Programs File: Name of the file used to import programs data. This line does not appear if no programs file is uploaded.

Related Links

Importing Student and User Profiles

Import Profile

Set Up Import

File Format Errors Found

Import Summary

Reconcile Errors



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