Import Summary

Use this page to review and act on the import results:


Field Descriptions

Fields on this page include:

Import Date: Date the import process was initiated.

Import Type: Type of profile data imported (Combined, Students Only, Instructors Only, or Additional Users). If it is a Combined import and data for the term already existed, this field indicates whether the import was set up to update existing data or to also replace class and program associations.

Term: Instructional term selected to associate with the profile data.

Roster File: File name of the uploaded roster file.

Programs File: If uploaded, the file name of the programs file.

Records: Count of student, teacher, and programs records in table format.

Post Valid Records:Posts a small number of records or schedules a large number of records to be posted at a time when system usage is low.

Total errors to reconcile: Total number of errors that must be reconciled before affected records are valid for posting. This number updates as errors are reconciled.

Reconcile Errors:Displays the Reconcile Errors page so you can begin working with errors.

Related Links

Importing Student and User Profiles

Import Profile

Set Up Import

Preview and Confirm File

File Format Errors Found

Reconcile Errors



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