Set Up Import

Use this page to launch the Import Profiles process in the MAP system.


Field Descriptions

Fields include:

Import Type: Defines the type of profile data to be imported.

Option Result After Import


(Students, teachers, and school information)

  • Students are ready for testing
  • Provides teachers with access to their students’ reports
Add/Update Students Only
  • Students are ready for testing
Add/Update Instructors Only
  • Provides teachers with access to their students’ reports
Additional Users
  • Users appear in the system with one or more of these roles: Proctor, Administrator, Data Administrator, or Assessment Coordinator
  • Existing teacher profiles gain additional roles you may have assigned

Term: The instructional term for which profiles are enrolling or to which profile data will be linked. The following options appear if Combined import type is selected and data exists for the selected term:

Roster File: File in .csv format containing student and teacher profile data, school and class information, and other registration data for your district. A roster file is required to import profiles.

Programs File: A file in .csv format containing programs data. A programs file can only be uploaded with a Combined import type.

Uploaded Files Info: The name of a file you have selected to upload for import. Only one roster file can be uploaded at a time. A programs files may be uploaded along with the roster file.

Related Links

Importing Student and User Profiles 

Import Profile

Preview and Confirm File

File Format Errors Found

Import Summary

Reconcile Errors



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