Importing Student and User Profiles

You can add or update students, teachers, and other users in bulk by importing a roster file into the MAP system. In addition, you can import optional program data. You typically perform this task before each school term.

Before you begin, you must have a roster file in .csvCollapsed format containing data appropriate for the type of import you select (discussed in the steps below). If you choose to import a programs file, it must also be in .csv format. For guidelines, see Preparing Roster Files and Programs Files for Import.

CollapsedRequired Role


To import profiles and program data:

  1. In the left navigation pane, select Import Profiles.

    The Import Profiles page appears.

  2. Under Import Status, click Start New Import.

    The Set Up Import page appears.

  3. Continue with setting up the import in the instructions that follow.

Note: If you are returning to an ongoing import process, click Go to Import Summary instead of Start New Import. For instructions, refer to the Reconciling and Posting Records instructions that follow.

CollapsedSetting Up the Import
CollapsedPreviewing and Validating
CollapsedReconciling and Posting Records

Related Links

Import Profile

Set Up Import

Preview and Confirm File

File Format Errors Found

Import Summary

Reconcile Errors

User Roles and Permissions



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