Identifying Data Quality Issues

Several operational reports are available to Assessment Coordinators and Data Administrators. The following table describes the purpose of each operational report and when to order it.

Name Purpose When and How to Order
Data Quality Reports
Students Without Reporting Attributes

Identify students who:

  • Do not have the minimum profile data to appear on reports
  • Are enrolled in multiple schools in the same term, but do not have a primary school identified
Profiles With Shared IDs
  • Identify profiles with duplicate IDs
  • Identify profiles with no IDs
  • As directed by NWEA Support
  • When implementing the Match on ID policy


Potential Duplicate Profiles
  • Identify potential duplicate profiles (instructors or students) that can be merged or deleted
User Roles
  • Identify (by name and ID only) who has access to the MAP system, access to specific data, and access to tasks and features
  • Identify users on hold and users who should no longer be listed
  • Avoid creating duplicate users
Instructors Without Class Assignments
  • Identify instructors who are not linked with classes. (Instructors without class assignments in the MAP system cannot access reports for their classes.)
Testing Reports
Students Without Valid Test Results
  • Monitor testing progress by identifying students who do not have a valid, completed test event
  • Determine whether testing is complete for a school, grade, subject, or test
Test Events by Status
  • View summaries of all tests by status (including valid, invalid, suspended, and terminated tests) to see how schools are progressing through the testing season

Related Links

About Managing Data Quality

About Correcting Data Quality Issues



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