MAP Reports Summary

The following table describes MAP reports and resources available for test results. Which reports you can access depends on which MAP user roles were assigned to your account (see "Required Role" in the headings).


Description and How to Order

When to Order

Intended Audience

District Level Reports
(Required Role: Administrator or Assessment Coordinator)

District Summary Report

Summarizes RIT score test results for the current and all historical terms so you can inform district-level decisions and presentations.

Ordering a District Summary Report

Every term

curriculum specialists,
instructional coaches, principals

Student Growth Summary Report

Shows a summary of student growth in a district or school compared to growth norms so you can adjust instruction and use of materials.

Ordering a Student Growth Summary Report

Fall and spring
Projected Proficiency Summary Report

Shows aggregated projected proficiency data from fall or spring testing so you can determine how a group of students is projected to perform on a separate state test.

Ordering a Projected Proficiency Report

Fall and spring
Grade Report

Shows students' detailed and summary test data by grade for a selected term so you can set goals and adjust instruction.

Ordering a Grade Report

Every term

Principals, counselors, instructional coaches

School Level Reports
(Required Role: Instructor, Administrator, or Assessment Coordinator)

Class Report

Shows how individual students in a class are performing so you can set goals and focus the instruction for each student.

Ordering a Class Report

Every term

Instructional coaches, instructors

Achievement Status and Growth Report

After fall testing, shows each student's growth projections so you can create individual growth goals. After spring testing, shows a comparison of projected and actual growth so you can focus the instruction for each student.

Ordering an Achievement Status and Growth Report

Fall and spring

Instructional coaches, instructors, counselors

Class Breakdown by RIT Report

Shows at a glance the academic diversity of a class across basic subject areas so you can modify and focus the instruction for each student.

Ordering a Class Breakdown Report

Every term

Class Breakdown by Goal Report

Shows academic diversity for specific goals within a chosen subject so you can modify and focus the instruction for each student.

Ordering a Class Breakdown Report

Every term
Class Breakdown by Projected Proficiency Report

Shows students' projected performance on state assessments based on NWEA studies so you can adjust instruction for better student proficiency.

Ordering a Class Breakdown Report

Fall and spring

Instructional coaches, instructors, counselors, principals

Student Progress Report

Shows a student's overall progress from all past terms to the selected term so you can communicate about the student's term-to-term growth.

Ordering a Student Progress Report

Every term

Instructors, instructional coaches, counselors, students, parents

Student Goal Setting Worksheet

Shows a student's test history and growth projections in the selected subject areas for a specific period of time so you can discuss the student's goals and celebrate achievements.

Ordering a Student Goal Setting Worksheet

Every term

MAP for Primary Grades Class Report*

Shows overall class performance for skills and concepts included in a specific Screening or Skills Checklist test so you can modify and focus instruction for the whole class.

Ordering a MAP For Primary Grades Class Report

Every term

Instructional coaches, instructors, counselors

MAP for Primary Grades Sub-Skill Report*

Shows test results of individual students in a selected class so you can identify students who need help with specific skills.

Ordering a MAP for Primary Grades Sub-Skill Report

Every term

MAP for Primary Grades Student Report*

Shows individual student test results from Screening and Skills Checklist assessments so you can both communicate about a student's growth and focus instruction for each student.

Ordering a MAP for Primary Grades Student Report

Every term

Instructors, instructional coaches, counselors, students, parents

Data Tools
(Required Role: Assessment Coordinator)

Data Export Scheduler

Exports test results to text files to enable importing into a database, creating custom reports, and more (CompassLearning®  XML functionality requires a CompassLearning license)

Setting the Data Export Scheduler

Every term

curriculum specialists, and
assistant superintendents for curriculum, instruction, and assessment

Instructional Resources
(Required Role: Instructor, Administrator, or Assessment Coordinator)


Translates student test scores into relevant skills and concepts.

Viewing DesCartes Learning Statements

Every term

Instructional coaches, instructors, counselors

Primary Grades Instructional Data*

Translates student test scores from MPG Survey with Goals tests into relevant skills and concepts.

Viewing the Primary Grades Instructional Data

Every term
Learning Continuum
(Required Role: Instructor, Administrator, or Assessment Coordinator)
Class View

Shows students together with the skills and concepts they need to develop (currently limited to the Instructor role)

Learning Continuum Help Center

Every term

Instructional coaches, instructors, counselors

Test View

Shows skills and concepts for all RIT bands (similar to DesCartes but with an interactive view)

Learning Continuum Help Center

Every term

*A MAP for Primary Grades (MPG) license provides access to these reports and instructional resources.



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