MAP Reports Finder

Consult the following table to pinpoint which MAP report you need.

To See... ...At This Level... ...Use Report:
class test results ...classroom...
data exports
differentiated instruction ...classroom...
ethnic or gender, results grouped by ...classroom...
goal, results grouped by ...classroom...
growth (projected and actual) ...each student...
history of test results ...each student...
instructional data ...classroom...
Lexile results ...each student...
mean RIT ...classroom...
parent-friendly data ...each student...
percentile rank ...each student...
primary grades, results from screening or skills checklist ...each student...
programs (like school lunch), group results by
projected proficiency on your state's test ...classroom...
Response to intervention screening, based on percentile ...classroom...
RIT score, grouped by ...classroom...
RIT score, sorted by ...classroom...
roster, students missing
roster, duplicate students
screening or skills checklist results ...each student...
staff list
student-friendly data ...each student...
survey test results (non growth) ...each student...
teacher's class results ...classroom...
teachers missing
testing status



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